The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018
The Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, CA
Saturday March 24, 2018.
Hosts: Scott Nicolay and Anya Martin
Taking place at the Winchester Mystery House, this is an amazing opportunity to dig deep into THE WEIRD, and participate in a full day of groundbreaking and global discussion.
The symposium will feature a full day of panels, readings and signings, with a diverse slate of participants, with additional Friday night readings, and other opportunities for continuing the conversation and socializing. All programming will be featured on The Outer Dark weekly podcast which airs on This Is Horror, reaching thousands of listeners who are readers of Weird and speculative fiction.
The all-inclusive membership for The Outer Dark Symposium is $150
This will sell out SOON so act now!
Memberships are available for purchase here.
Your ticket includes a full day of programming (10 am- 10 pm) at the Winchester Mystery House, including meals (continental breakfast/coffee, sandwich box lunch, post-symposium signing reception and buffet dinner), a Friday evening signing event, AND a tour of the Winchester Mystery House. The reception and buffet dinner will have a cash bar.
Members so far include:
Rebecca J. Allred / Mark Bode / Gregory Norman Bossert / David Bowles / Daniel Braum / Heather Buckley / Sam Cowan (Dim Shores) / Rios de la Luz / John Foster / Craig Laurance Gidney / Cody Goodfellow / Orrin Grey / Michael Griffin / Marc Laidlaw / Izzy Lee / Ross Lockhart (Word Horde) / Paul Mavrides / Silvia Moreno-Garcia / Liv Rainey-Smith / Sumiko Saulson / Tiffany Scandal / Eric Schaller / John Claude Smith / Jacob Weisman (Tachyon) / Alvaro Zinos-Amaro and more to come!
More details on Facebook.
1 response so far ↓
1 Anya Martin // Mar 7, 2018 at 3:53 pm
JUST ADDED: Author Philip Fracassi!