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Join us on Sun June 23rd with Robin Sloan, Rudy Rucker & Clara Ward!

May 29th, 2024 · No Comments


Join us at SF in SF – Science Fiction in San Francisco – Our 20th year is shaping up to be extraordinary!  THAT’S RIGHT! We’ve been around since 2004!




Each author will read a selection from their work, followed by question and answers with the authors; book signing follows.

Event is moderated by author Cliff Winnig

The American Bookbinders Museum – 355 Clementina Street, San Francisco CA

Doors open at 6PM – event gets underway 6:30PM

$10 at the door – $8 seniors and students. No one turned away for lack of funds. CASH PREFERRED.

All proceeds benefit the American Bookbinders Museum

Refreshments will be served, and books will be for sale- attendees are welcome to bring their own books from home for signatures.

Our wonderful podcast hosts from Soma FM will be recording the evening’s talk for later broadcast – they are listener-supported, commercial-free radio broadcasting to the world!  Catch up on previous SF in SF conversations and reading at our dedicated channel, here



ROBIN SLOAN was raised and educated in Michigan, and attended Michigan State University, where he co-founded the literary magazine Oats and graduated with an economics degree in 2002. He worked for about a decade at the intersection of media and technology before publishing his first novel.  In 2003, he founded the SnarkMarket blog with some friends, and then moved to the SF Bay Area in 2004 to work, first at Current TV as a media strategist/interactive producer, and then at Twitter as a media manager.

His new novel, Moonbound, has just been published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  He has developed a special website as a companion to the novel, here

Sloan’s first novel, Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, was released in 2012. His second novel, Sourdough, was released in September 2017. He has written fiction and commentary for many publications, including the NY Times, the Atlantic, and MIT Technology Review. His novels have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Sloan and his partner Kathryn Tomajan produce olive oil under the Fat Gold brand, harvested off leased land in Sunol, California.

RUDY RUCKER is, quite honestly, one of the most important and visionary figures in science fiction literature working today. A writer, mathematician, artist, and a Silicon Valley computer science professor emeritus, Rucker is regarded as a contemporary master of science-fiction, and one of the founders of the cyberpunk literary movement.  He received the very first Philip K. Dick award for his cyberpunk novel, Software, and another for Wetware. It’s worth noting that his novel Software (1982), was the very first SF work to introduce the (by now very familiar) notion of transferring a human personality to a bot. What’s more, Software was the first SF novel in which robot minds are evolved, rather than being designed.

As well as writing cyberpunk, Rucker writes SF in a realistic style known as transrealism—where the author uses SF archetypes to symbolize the concerns of the characters. Rucker’s forty published books include non-fiction books on the fourth dimension, infinity, and the meaning of computation. Rucker has also worked on several software packages; he runs a podcast of his talks; and you can browse some of his works online, including his autobiography Nested Scrolls   and his Complete Stories.

For a more complete look at the work, both literary and artistic, of Rudy Rucker, and to learn more about this important writer, please visit his blog, here .

CLARA WARD lives in Silicon Valley, California, on the border between reality and speculative fiction. Be the Sea, their latest novel, takes place in the same near future as “Dream the Sea,” available here   online from Small Wonders Magazine  and is a science fantasy journey across the Pacific featuring sea creature perspectives, human tech, chosen family, and the world’s best chocolate. Clara’s short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Decoded Pride, and The Arcanist. When not using words to teach or tell stories, Clara uses wood, fiber, and glass to make practical or completely impractical objects. More of their words along with crafted creations can be found here.


The American Bookbinders Museum‘s entrance is located at 355 Clementina Alley, between 4th and 5th Street, between Howard and Folsom. The nearest BART station is Powell and Market. Street parking is free, and there are several garages in the area as well – further directions and transit options are available here via the ABM website.

May we suggest coming to the ABM and taking a tour or workshop?  The bookbinding machines are AMAZING, and it’s a great look into one of the essential tools and trade necessary to make books! For more information, pleases contact the ABM at (415) 824-9754.


For information regarding SF in SF events, or booking an author, please contact Rina Weisman at sfinsfevents@gmail.com



Join SF in SF for these next authors on our calendar!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – Paolo Bacigalupi and Tim Pratt

** Please note this will be a ticketed event taking place at The Lost Church, in North Beach, San Francisco. Stay tuned for all the details!  IT’S GOING TO BE AWESOME!

Sunday, September 15, 2024 – Annalee Newitz, Andrea Stewart, and Julia Vee

Sunday, October 27, 2024 – it’s a PARTY!  Come spend Halloween with SF in SF and Loren Rhoads, and horror writers to be announced




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